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The CAMSEE community is always growing.  Here are some stories of the connections and projects that have arisen as collaborations between CAMSEE members.

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  • Christine Alvarado

    Christine Alvarado

    Having spent the first 7 years of my career at a small STEM-focused liberal arts college, I got used to regularly engaging in collaborations and discussions about education with colleagues from across the STEM disciplines.   CAMSEE has provided this same "small college" faculty experience in the heart of UC San Diego.  I love being able to get together with people from across campus who all share the central mission of providing the best education possible to our students.
  • Tricia Bertram Gallant

    Tricia Bertram Gallant

    I enjoy being a part of the CAMSEE community because the Academic Integrity Office (AIO) has a similar mission - we’re both interested in reinforcing quality teaching and learning at UC San Diego. The conversations we have within CAMSEE inform my own thinking and practices on the strategies and pedagogies that can be used to enhance integrity and learning, while the interactions with my CAMSEE colleagues provides me with a community of like-minded individuals who care passionately about teaching and learning.
  • Adam Burgasser

    Adam Burgasser

    The CAMSEE community of practitioners has been an incredible resource for expanding and improving my teaching. I’ve been able to learn and implement new techniques for instruction, from interactive lectures to problem-based learning; and apply robust evaluation of these techniques to improve them. The multi-disciplinary, collaborative culture of CAMSEE is a deep well of innovation.

  • Stanley Lo

    Stanley Lo

    CAMSEE surpasses disciplinary boundaries and provides opportunities to interact with phenomenal colleagues across campus who are committed and dedicated to undergraduate education. I have been able to learn from these colleagues and expand my horizon beyond my own departmental silo.
  • Mia Minnes

    Mia Minnes

    The broad spectrum of conversations at CAMSEE has introduced me to education projects around campus and sparked new collaborations and research.  I love hearing about the team-based learning in the Pharmacy program or the in-class meta-cognitive reflection exercises piloted in Chemistry and Biochemistry (for example), and thinking how I can bring those insights to my classes.
  • Daniel Suchy

    Daniel Suchy

    As an educational technologist, the CAMSEE community has been a rich source of ideas and best practices for me for using technology to support teaching and learning.  Several of our campus-wide educational technology services started out as successful CAMSEE-led pilot projects, and whenever our team needs feedback on the usefulness of a new tool or innovation, I turn first to my CAMSEE colleagues for their expert and experienced advice.