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As faculty and educators, the decisions we make about curriculum design and implementation, the ways we help students navigate complex course material, and the structural factors affecting our classrooms all have a role in shaping the learning experience of our diverse students. Creating a learning environment that helps all our students succeed is a social justice issue, and inclusive teaching strategies address the needs of our students with consideration for their academic and life experiences.

Faculty from the CAMSEE community, in collaboration with the Teaching+ Learning Commons, invite you to participate in two half-day workshops where you can practice creating an inclusive classroom. These workshops will support faculty in learning about immediately implementable and sustainable strategies to cultivate inclusive classrooms, as well as guidance in creating learner-centered syllabi that address the diverse needs of our students. These workshops also aim to increase awareness of the challenges faced by students on our campus, and the support resources that are available to address those challenges.

WHO  All faculty at UC San Diego are invited and welcome to participate!

WHAT  In this workshop, participants will:

REFLECT on how their identities affect their teaching

EXAMINE how their students’ lived experiences might interact with their classroom experiences

IDENTIFY strategies for teaching equitably and discuss the evidence-based impact this can have for student learning in all disciplines; and

CLARIFY and communicate their mindset toward building an inclusive classroom through their syllabus

WHEN  The workshops are offered twice a year, typically in September and March. Check our Event Calendar for dates.