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Other event calendars that may be of interest:

Reflective practices forum

Reflective practices forum is a venue for all members of the UC San Diego education community to discuss research and practices of learning and teaching.

We meet informally every two weeks to share projects, innovations, and pilot projects.

Education colloquium and interactive workshops

CAMSEE education colloquium and interactive workshops engage participants in thinking about specific research, learning, and teaching issues related to education.

Sample workshops:

Efficiency of Learning & Myth of Learning Styles

Hal Pashler, Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, UC San Diego

Show them the data: A strategy to engage and motivate students

Clark Coffman, Associate Professor, Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology, Iowa State University

NSF support for innovation in undergraduate STEM education

David Brown, Program Director, Division of Undergraduate Education, National Science Foundation

Creating an Inclusive Classroom 

Teaching Faculty and Community Center Program Directors, UC San Diego

Year in Review Reports

If you would like to see what CAMSEE has done in past years, check out our Year in Review reports:



