The Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education (CAMSEE) is a diverse group of UC San Diego community members committed to advancing teaching and learning.  We include instructors, researchers, librarians, educational technologists, and more.  We are

  • a professional network
  • a social network
  • a learning community.


CAMSEE Steering Committee

Claire Meaders, cmeaders@ucsd.edu, 2022-2024

Crystal Goldman,clgoldman@ucsd.edu, 2022-2024

Tricia Bertram Gallant, tbertramgallant@ucsd.edu, 2022-2024

Erilynn Heinrichsen erusso@ucsd.edu, 2023-2025

Erica Heinzman, eheinzman@ucsd.edu, 2023-2025

Mia Minnes, minnes@ucsd.edu, 2023-2025


Previous Steering Committee members

Emily Johnston, e2johnston@ucsd.edu

Jeremy Klosterman, jkk@ucsd.edu

Claire Meaders, cmeaders@ucsd.edu

Crystal Goldman, clgoldman@ucsd.edu

Leesa Anzaldo,lbanzaldo@ucsd.edu

Tricia Bertram-Gallant, tbertramgallant@ucsd.edu